This Too Shall Pass Poem
Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a rut, surrounded by problems that seemed impossible to overcome? We all have those moments, those times when the weight of the world feels like it’s crushing us. That’s where the phrase This too shall pass comes in. It’s a gentle reminder that even the darkest of times won’t last forever. Like the changing seasons, our lives are filled with highs and lows, and just as winter gives way to Spring, our struggles will eventually fade, leaving behind a sense of resilience and growth. It’s a powerful message, one that can offer comfort and hope during those difficult times.

The beauty of the phrase This too shall pass lies in its simplicity. It’s a short, yet profound statement that speaks to the transient nature of life. It doesn’t offer solutions or quick fixes, but instead provides a sense of perspective. It encourages us to remember that our current circumstances, whether good or bad, are temporary. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and repeat those words. Remember, this too shall pass. And with that passing, you’ll find yourself stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever comes next.

  1. What is the main message conveyed in the This Too Shall Pass Poem?
  2. Where does the phrase This Too Shall Pass originate from?
  3. What is the central theme explored in the This Too Shall Pass concept?
  4. How can the This Too Shall Pass idea be applied to provide comfort during challenging times?
  5. In what different poetic forms has the This Too Shall Pass message been expressed?

1. This Too Shall Pass Poem Transience of human experience

The This Too Shall Pass poem is a powerful reminder that nothing in life is permanent, including our joys and sorrows. It speaks to the transient nature of human experience, reminding us that even the most intense emotions, whether positive or negative, will eventually fade. The poem encourages us to embrace the fleeting nature of life, acknowledging that every moment, both good and bad, is a part of a larger, ever-changing journey.

This simple yet profound message resonates deeply with many people. It offers comfort during times of hardship, reminding us that even the darkest of nights will eventually give way to dawn. It also encourages us to appreciate the good times while they last, knowing that they too are temporary. The This Too Shall Pass poem serves as a powerful reminder to live in the present, appreciating the beauty and impermanence of life.

2. Origin Ancient Persian proverb

The phrase This too shall pass has deep roots in ancient Persian wisdom. It’s a powerful reminder that nothing lasts forever, whether it’s joy, sorrow, or any other experience. The proverb, in its original form, was “This too shall pass away,” and it served as a guiding principle for navigating life’s inevitable ups and downs.

The “This too shall pass poem” draws upon this ancient wisdom, offering solace and perspective during times of hardship. The poem reminds us that even the most intense emotions and situations are temporary, and that change is the only constant in life. By embracing this truth, we can find strength and resilience to face whatever challenges come our way.

3. Theme Hope amidst suffering

The This Too Shall Pass poem, a timeless reminder of life’s transient nature, offers a powerful message of hope amidst suffering. It acknowledges that difficult times will inevitably arise, but it also emphasizes that they are not permanent. The poem encourages us to find solace in the knowledge that even the darkest of nights will eventually give way to dawn. This profound truth provides a sense of comfort and resilience, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles and that brighter days lie ahead.

The poem’s message of hope is deeply resonant because it resonates with the human experience of both joy and sorrow. It acknowledges the reality of hardship and loss, while also offering a beacon of light and optimism. This message is particularly potent during times of personal or collective adversity. It reminds us that even when the world feels bleak, there is always reason to hope, for the cycle of life continues, and with it, the possibility of renewal and growth.

4. Application Comfort during hardship

The this too shall pass poem reminds us that even the darkest of times will eventually fade. It offers a comforting reminder that nothing lasts forever, even hardship. When life throws its curveballs, this simple phrase can be a powerful anchor, helping us to weather the storm with the knowledge that things will eventually improve.

This powerful message can be applied to all sorts of situations, from personal struggles to global events. It encourages us to find strength and resilience even in the face of adversity. By remembering that “this too shall pass,” we can maintain hope and perspective, knowing that brighter days are ahead.

5. Variations on Different Poetic Forms

The This Too Shall Pass poem can be adapted into a variety of poetic forms, adding a unique flavor to the message. For example, a Haiku can capture the fleeting nature of life’s challenges with its concise structure. A sonnet, with its more elaborate rhyme scheme, can delve deeper into the emotions associated with temporary hardship. Even a free verse poem can effectively convey the sentiment, allowing for more flexibility in language and structure.

The beauty of this poem lies in its adaptable nature. No matter the poetic form chosen, the core message of resilience and hope remains intact. Whether you choose the traditional structure of a ballad or the modern flow of a free verse poem, the This Too Shall Pass message can resonate deeply with the reader. Explore different forms to discover the one that best suits your voice and style.

12 This Too Shall Pass Poems

1. The Storm Within

The tempest rages in your soul,
A churning sea of doubt and Fear,
Waves of sorrow, crashing, roll,
Threatening to drown you, my dear.

But even storms, however fierce,
Eventually must lose their might,
The sun will break, the clouds will pierce,
And dawn will usher in the light.

So hold on tight, and weather through,
This too shall pass, a whispered plea,
The calm will come, the skies will blue,
And peace will find its way to thee.

2. The Unseen Tomorrow

When sorrow like a river flows,
And drowns the light that softly glows,
Hold firm to hope, as shadows play,
This too, shall pass, both night and day.

In times of joy, so pure and sweet,
When life and love feel so complete,
Cherish these moments, bright and vast,
This too, shall pass, they never last.

When work consumes with endless grind,
And peace feels far from heart and mind,
Breathe deep, for in the toil amassed,
This too, shall pass, no storm can last.

As laughter fades to silent tears,
And courage falters to your fears,
Remember, through the pain so vast,
This too, shall pass, it will not last.

With every heartbeat, life moves on,
From dusk till dawn, till dusk again,
Embrace the journey, slow or fast,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

3. Hope Amidst the Storm

When life’s tempestuous waves do rise,
And doubts obscure the clearest skies,
Cling to the promise, come what may,
This too, shall pass, the light of day.

In moments filled with boundless cheer,
And love’s sweet whispers draw you near,
Know even bliss will not stay fast,
This too, shall pass, it too, shall pass.

When burdens heavy weigh you down,
And in your trials you nearly drown,
Find strength within, for troubles cast,
This too, shall pass, will not outlast.

As success blooms and accolades,
And glory’s light begins to fade,
Remember time’s relentless path,
This too, shall pass, in aftermath.

For every dawn, a dusk will call,
And every rise, a gentle Fall,
In every heartbeat, life’s bold class,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

4. Moments of Transience

When tears like Rain obscure your view,
And hope feels distant, faint, and few,
Recall in every stormy mass,
This too, shall pass, it cannot last.

In times of joy, so bright and dear,
When all the world feels light and clear,
Hold gently, for this bliss will pass,
This too, shall pass, both joy and class.

When trials come, as they oft do,
And heartache shadows over you,
Find solace in the moments vast,
This too, shall pass, no pain can last.

As laughter echoes in the hall,
And love's warm glow surrounds us all,
Know even these, in time, will pass,
This too, shall pass, as all things pass.

With every turn of life’s grand wheel,
In every joy and pain we feel,
Remember, in life’s fragile glass,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

5. In the Heart of Suffering

When suffering feels too much to bear,
And grief hangs heavy in the air,
Remember in each troubled mass,
This too, shall pass, it will not last.

In times of triumph and of glee,
When life feels perfect, wild, and free,
Hold gently, for this fleeting class,
This too, shall pass, such joys don’t last.

When every step feels fraught with pain,
And efforts seem to be in vain,
Keep faith, for even trials vast,
This too, shall pass, they never last.

As joy and sorrow intertwine,
In every fleeting moment’s line,
One truth remains, both first and last,
This too, shall pass, as all things pass.

For every heartbeat, life goes on,
From night to dawn, from dusk till dawn,
Embrace the journey, slow or fast,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

6. The Fleeting Joys and Sorrows

When joy fills up your heart and soul,
And love's sweet whisper makes you whole,
Hold gently, for this moment’s class,
This too, shall pass, such joys don’t last.

In times of sorrow, deep and wide,
When tears of pain you cannot hide,
Remember in each shadow cast,
This too, shall pass, it will not last.

When victories seem all too grand,
And life lays treasures in your hand,
Stay humble, for in time’s swift glass,
This too, shall pass, it cannot last.

As laughter fades to silent tears,
And hopes give way to sudden fears,
Find strength within, for troubles cast,
This too, shall pass, no pain can last.

With every dawn, a dusk will come,
In every joy and sorrow spun,
Remember, in life’s fleeting class,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

7. Life’s Constant Change

When days are filled with endless light,
And everything feels just so right,
Hold gently, for this bliss will pass,
This too, shall pass, such joys don’t last.

In moments when the heart feels low,
And life’s harsh winds begin to blow,
Recall in every stormy mass,
This too, shall pass, it cannot last.

When triumphs come and glory’s near,
And accolades are all you hear,
Stay grounded, for in time’s swift glass,
This too, shall pass, it will not last.

As laughter turns to quiet sighs,
And every joy must say goodbye,
Find peace in knowing, through the vast,
This too, shall pass, no pain can last.

For every heartbeat, life’s great song,
From dusk till dawn, from right to wrong,
Embrace the journey, slow or fast,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

8. Hope in the Darkness

When darkness covers all your days,
And shadows block the sun’s bright rays,
Remember, in each weary mass,
This too, shall pass, it will not last.

In times of joy, so sweet and bright,
When everything feels just so right,
Know even bliss is but a class,
This too, shall pass, such joys don’t last.

When hardships come, as they oft do,
And life seems cruel and harsh to you,
Find strength within, for troubles cast,
This too, shall pass, no storm can last.

As laughter fades and tears appear,
And courage falters to your fear,
Recall this truth, a guiding glass,
This too, shall pass, as all things pass.

With every heartbeat, life moves on,
From dusk till dawn, till dusk again,
Embrace the journey, slow or fast,
This too, shall pass, this too, shall pass.

9. The Mountain’s Strength

The mountain stands, a steadfast form,
Through wind and rain, through sun and storm,
It weathered ages, weathered norm,
A symbol of strength, a beacon warm.

It whispers wisdom, in the breeze,
Of resilience, of inner peace,
This too shall pass, its voice decrees,
And you will rise, with strength and ease.

So climb the mountain, find your way,
Let its strength guide you, day by day,
This too shall pass, it will convey,
And you will conquer, come what may.

10. The Ocean’s Depth

The ocean vast, its depths unknown,
A world of wonder, yet to be shown,
It holds the secrets, all its own,
And whispers wisdom, gently sown.

The waves may crash, the currents churn,
But deep below, the ocean learns,
To find its peace, to be reborn,
This too shall pass, a timeless turn.

So dive within, and let it flow,
The ocean's depths, your spirit know,
This too shall pass, its wisdom show,
And you will find, where you should go.

11. Healing Hearts and Mending Souls

When hearts are heavy, spirits low,
And life's pace seems too slow,
Remember that the pain will end,
And time will be your greatest friend.

Each wound will heal, each scar will fade,
And joy will come where sorrow stayed.
With every trial, find your might,
And let hope be your guiding light.

This too shall pass, this truth we know,
With time, new strength will always grow.
In every struggle, find your grace,
And let hope light your darkest place.

12. Strength Found in Adversity

In adversity, find your strength,
For trials come, but not at length.
Each hardship faced, each tear you've shed,
Will lead you to the path ahead.

With courage strong and heart so true,
There's nothing that you cannot do.
Embrace the change, let go of fear,
For brighter days are always near.

This too shall pass, this pain will fade,
And peace will come where fear once stayed.
Hold on to hope, let love ignite,
For in the end, you'll find your light.


The poem This Too Shall Pass embodies the timeless wisdom of the ancient Persian proverb, reminding us of the transient nature of human experience. While acknowledging the inevitability of suffering, the poem offers a beacon of hope, assuring us that even the darkest of times will eventually fade. This profound message provides solace and comfort during hardship, encouraging resilience and a belief in the cyclical nature of life. The poem’s enduring popularity is evident in its numerous variations and adaptations across different poetic forms, showcasing its enduring power to resonate with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.

Other Poems :  Summer Solstice Poem : A Celebration of Light and Growth

Ultimately, This Too Shall Pass serves as a powerful reminder that life is a journey of both joy and sorrow, and that even in the face of adversity, there is always a glimmer of hope on the horizon. By embracing the transient nature of our experiences, we can find strength and perspective to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and resilience.

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