Funny Thanksgiving Poems
Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and of course, food. But what if you’re looking for a little something extra to add to the festivities? How about a few funny Thanksgiving poems? These poems are sure to get a laugh out of your guests and help you celebrate the holiday in a lighthearted way.

So, gather your loved ones around and prepare to be entertained. These poems are full of witty observations about Thanksgiving traditions, food, and family. You’ll find poems about everything from the dreaded turkey to the inevitable post-dinner nap. And who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about the history of Thanksgiving along the way.

  1. Funny Thanksgiving Poems
  2. Thanksgiving Humor
  3. Turkey Day Laughs
  4. Pilgrim Pranks
  5. Feast of Fun

Funny Thanksgiving Poems

Funny Thanksgiving poems are a great way to add some humor to your holiday celebration. They can be shared with family and friends, or even used as a way to start a conversation about the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Whether you’re looking for a quick laugh or a more thoughtful reflection on the holiday, there’s sure to be a funny Thanksgiving poem that’s perfect for you.

Some funny Thanksgiving poems focus on the food, while others poke fun at the family dynamics that often come into play during the holiday. No matter what your sense of humor, you’re sure to find a funny Thanksgiving poem that will make you smile. So take a break from the turkey and stuffing, and enjoy a few laughs with some funny Thanksgiving poems.

2. Thanksgiving Humor

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and of course, food. But it’s also a time for laughter. There are plenty of funny Thanksgiving poems out there that can help you get into the holiday spirit. These poems poke fun at everything from the turkey to the relatives. They’re sure to make you laugh out loud.

If you’re looking for a good laugh this Thanksgiving, be sure to check out some funny Thanksgiving poems. You can find them online or in anthologies. You can also share them with your family and friends. They’re a great way to add some humor to your holiday celebration.

3. Turkey Day Laughs

Get ready for a side-splitting Thanksgiving with “Turkey Day Laughs,” a collection of hilarious poems that will have you chuckling over your turkey and stuffing. These witty verses capture the absurdity and joy of the holiday, from the frantic preparations to the inevitable food coma. Whether you’re a seasoned Thanksgiving veteran or a first-timer, these poems will provide a much-needed dose of humor amidst the chaos.

So gather your loved ones, grab a slice of pumpkin pie, and settle in for a literary feast. “Turkey Day Laughs” is the perfect accompaniment to your Thanksgiving celebration, reminding you that even the most stressful of holidays can be filled with laughter and merriments. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these funny Thanksgiving poems that will make your holiday truly unforgettable.

4. Pilgrim Pranks

In the midst of the Thanksgiving festivities, let’s not forget the mischievous side of the Pilgrims. “Funny Thanksgiving Poems” wouldn’t be complete without a glimpse into their playful antics. Imagine the Pilgrims sneaking into the Wampanoag camp and replacing their arrows with turkey feathers, or hiding their cooking pots in the forest.

The pranks didn’t stop there. The Pilgrims were known to dress up in Native American attire and perform silly dances, much to the amusement of their hosts. And let’s not forget the time they convinced the Wampanoags to join them in a game of hide-and-seek, only to leave them stranded in the woods for hours. These hilarious escapades add a touch of humor to the traditional Thanksgiving story, reminding us that even in the midst of a serious celebration, there’s always room for a good laugh.

5. Feast of Fun

Thanksgiving is a time for feasting, and this funny poem captures the spirit of the holiday perfectly. The poem describes a table laden with all sorts of delicious food, from turkey and stuffing to pumpkin pie. The guests are all enjoying themselves, eating, drinking, and laughing. The poem ends with a toast to the holiday, and a wish that everyone has a wonderful time.

If you’re looking for a funny Thanksgiving poem to share with your family and friends, this one is sure to get a few laughs. It’s a great way to celebrate the holiday and enjoy the company of loved ones. So gather around the table, raise a glass, and enjoy this funny Thanksgiving poem. You can find more funny Thanksgiving poems like this one by searching online.

12 Funny Thanksgiving Poems

1. The Turkey’s Lament

Oh, Thanksgiving, oh, Thanksgiving, a time for family and cheer,
But for turkeys like me, it's the most dreadful time of year.
They stuff us with stuffing and baste us in butter,
Then shove us in ovens, oh, what a clutter!

We strutted and gobbled, so proud and so bold,
Now we're trussed and tied, shivering in the cold.
They'll carve us and slice us, with cranberry sauce on the side,
While I dream of escaping, my wings open wide.

I hear whispers of gravy and mashed potatoes,
And visions of pies dance before my eyes, in rows.
But I'd rather be running through fields, free and alive,
Than be the centerpiece, about to be carved with a knife.

So please, spare a thought for the turkey this year,
As you gather around with your loved ones so dear.
We're more than just dinner, we have feelings too,
We'd rather be pardoned, not served up to you!

So next Thanksgiving, consider a change,
Let the turkeys live free, and roam the open range.
We'll gobble our thanks, and you can still feast,
On vegetables, fruits, and a delicious vegan beast!

2. The Pilgrim’s Feast: A Thanksgiving Ditty

The Mayflower landed, a sight to behold,
A bunch of seasick folks, shivering in the cold.
They built their houses, planted their corn,
And prayed for a harvest before they were worn.

The first Thanksgiving, a humble affair,
With venison, berries, and nary a chair.
They ate with their hands, gave thanks for their bounty,
And probably burped quite loudly.

Now Thanksgiving's a feast of epic proportion,
With mountains of food that defy allortion.
We stuff ourselves silly with turkey and pie,
Then collapse on the couch with a groan and a sigh.

We argue with family, watch football with glee,
And Fall asleep watching the Macy's Day parade on TV.
So let's raise a glass to the Pilgrims of yore,
Who started this tradition of eating galore!

But Remember, dear friends, as you loosen your belt,
Thanksgiving's not just about the food you have felt.
It's about gratitude, love, and sharing with others,
Even those weird relatives who resemble your mothers.

So be thankful for blessings, both big and small,
And try not to eat so much you can't stand up at all!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, near and far,
Now pass the gravy and cranberry sauce, by far!

3. The Pumpkin’s Dream: A Thanksgiving Tale

A plump little pumpkin sat on the vine,
Dreaming of a destiny that would truly shine.
"Oh, I don't want to be just another pie,"
The pumpkin thought with a wistful sigh.

"I want to be something grand and spectacular,
Something that will make people say, 'That'sacular!'"
He dreamt of being a carriage for a queen,
Or a giant jack-o'-lantern, the spookiest ever seen.

But alas, Thanksgiving Day was drawing near,
And the pumpkin's fate was becoming quite clear.
He'd be scooped and carved, his insides set free,
Baked into a pie for all the world to see.

"Oh, the indignity!" the pumpkin cried,
"To be eaten and devoured, my dreams denied!"
But then, a wise old gourd whispered in his ear,
"Being a pie is a great honor, my dear.

"You'll bring joy and laughter to the Thanksgiving feast,
A delicious treat that everyone will appreciate."
The pumpkin pondered this, and his frown turned upside down,
"Maybe being a pie isn't so bad after all, I've found."

So when the farmer came to pick him from the vine,
The pumpkin went willingly, with a happy shine.
He knew he'd fulfill his destiny with pride,
As the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table, wide.

And as he was baked and spiced, his aroma divine,
The pumpkin knew he'd achieved something truly fine.
He was a part of a tradition, a symbol of cheer,
Bringing families together year after year.

So next time you see a pumpkin pie, remember this tale,
And be thankful for the pumpkins that never fail,
To bring us sweetness and joy on Thanksgiving Day,
A delicious reminder of why we give thanks and pray.

4. The Pie’s Delight: A Thanksgiving Ballad

I'm a pie, a delicious pie, filled with sweetness and spice,
And on Thanksgiving Day, I'm the star of the show, that's nice!
From the oven I emerge, golden brown and smelling divine,
And everyone at the table can't wait to dig in, it's a sign!

The first slice is taken, a moment of pure delight,
As the flaky crust and creamy filling come together just right.
Then forkfuls of heaven are devoured with glee,
And compliments abound, all directed at me!

"This pie is amazing!" they exclaim with a smile,
"The best Thanksgiving pie I've had in a while!"
My crust is flaky, my filling is sweet,
I'm the perfect dessert, can't be beat!

But as the slices disappear, one by one,
I can't help but feel a little Sad, my moment of glory almost done.
But then I remember, my purpose is clear,
To bring joy and happiness to all who are here.

So I savor the moment, the laughter and cheer,
And know that I've played my part in this Thanksgiving year.
For a pie's delight is to be shared and enjoyed,
A symbol of bounty, a tradition employed.

So let's raise a fork to the pies of Thanksgiving,
To the pumpkin, the pecan, the apple, the everything!
For they bring us together, in gratitude and love,
A delicious reminder of blessings from above.

And when you take that first bite, savor the taste,
And remember the pie, who was happy to be placed,
On the Thanksgiving table, a centerpiece of delight,
Bringing smiles and full bellies, making everything just right!

5. The Cranberry’s Complaint: A Thanksgiving Lament

I'm a cranberry, tart and bright,
But on Thanksgiving, I'm treated like a blight.
They boil me in sugar, a fate I despise,
And turn me into a sauce that makes people grimace.

"It's too tart!" they cry, "It's too sour!"
"It tastes like something gone bad, I'm sure!"
But I'm a cranberry, that's my nature, you see,
To be a bit tangy, a bit on the zesty.

I wish they'd appreciate my natural flair,
Instead of drowning me in sugar, I declare!
I could be eaten raw, or baked in a pie,
But noooo, they just want that sugary goo, oh my!

So here I sit, in a bowl of red mush,
Feeling unloved, like a discarded plush.
Everyone takes a spoonful, then pushes me aside,
As if I'm the unwanted guest at the Thanksgiving tide.

But I won't give up, I'll fight for my right,
To be enjoyed for my tartness, my vibrant light.
I'll show them cranberries are more than just sauce,
We're a versatile fruit, with endless force!

So next Thanksgiving, when you see that bowl of red,
Give the cranberries a chance, don't be misled.
Try them raw, or baked, or in a salad so fine,
You might be surprised at how delicious they shine!

And maybe, just maybe, I'll finally be free,
From the tyranny of sugar, and everyone will see,
That cranberries are a fruit to be loved and adored,
Not just a sauce to be tolerated, how utterly boring and abhorred!

6. The Stuffing’s Strut: A Thanksgiving Boast

I'm the stuffing, the star of the show,
The dish that everyone loves, don't you know?
I'm savory and moist, with herbs and spices galore,
And I fill up your plate, so you can't eat anymore.

I'm the perfect partner for turkey and gravy,
A Thanksgiving staple, it's not just a maybe.
I'm the reason people loosen their belts,
And groan with contentment as their stomach swells.

So move over, mashed potatoes, step aside, green bean casserole,
The stuffing is here, and I'm ready to roll!
I'm the king of the Thanksgiving feast, it's true,
And everyone knows it, even you!

I'm fluffy and flavorful, a culinary delight,
And I make Thanksgiving dinner oh so right.
So when you're filling your plate, don't be shy,
Pile on the stuffing, it's the reason you fly!

(Fly into a food coma, that is, but it's worth it, I say!)

So let's hear it for the stuffing, the best dish of all,
The one that makes Thanksgiving a culinary ball!
I'm the stuffing, and I'm proud to say,
I make Thanksgiving dinner the best holiday!

(Just remember to leave room for pie, okay?)

7. The Sweet Potato’s Dance: A Thanksgiving Jig

I'm a sweet potato, orange and round,
And on Thanksgiving Day, I'm dancing all around.
I'm mashed and whipped, with butter and cream,
A delicious side dish, fit for a queen.

I shimmy and shake, I twirl and spin,
As everyone digs in, with a happy grin.
I'm the perfect complement to turkey and stuffing,
A sweet and savory delight, there's no bluffing.

So let's do the sweet potato dance,
A jig of joy, a Thanksgiving trance.
We'll shake our tail feathers, and wiggle our toes,
As we celebrate the harvest, and all that it bestows.

We'll give thanks for the food on our plate,
And for the loved ones we gather with, it's fate.
So let the music play, and the laughter flow,
As we dance the sweet potato, to and fro.

And when the meal is over, and our bellies are full,
We'll collapse on the couch, feeling happy and dull.
But we'll remember the sweet potato's dance,
And the joy of Thanksgiving, a joyous trance.

So next time you see a sweet potato, don't be shy,
Give it a whirl, and let your spirit fly.
For the sweet potato dance is a celebration of life,
Of gratitude, love, and the end of strife.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Let's dance!

8. The Green Bean’s Lament: A Thanksgiving Woe

I'm a green bean, long and lean,
But on Thanksgiving, I'm rarely seen.
They drown me in cream of mushroom soup,
And bake me with onions, a soggy troop.

They call it a casserole, but it's a culinary crime,
To smother my freshness in such a gooey slime.
I'd rather be steamed, or roasted with herbs,
But noooo, they just want that creamy goop that absorbs.

So here I sit, in a baking dish,
Feeling unloved, like a forgotten wish.
Everyone takes a scoop, then pushes me aside,
As if I'm the unwanted guest at the Thanksgiving tide.

But I won't give up, I'll fight for my right,
To be enjoyed for my crispness, my vibrant light.
I'll show them green beans are more than just a casserole,
We're a versatile veggie, with endless potential!

So next Thanksgiving, when you see that creamy dish,
Give the green beans a chance, don't be remiss.
Try them roasted, or steamed, or in a salad so fine,
You might be surprised at how delicious they shine!

And maybe, just maybe, I'll finally be free,
From the tyranny of cream of mushroom soup, and everyone will see,
That green beans are a vegetable to be loved and adored,
Not just a soggy casserole, how utterly boring and abhorred!

9. The Cornbread’s Chorus: A Thanksgiving Song

The Cornbread's Chorus: A Thanksgiving Song
We're the cornbread, golden and sweet,
A Thanksgiving staple, can't be beat!
We're crumbly and moist, with a buttery sheen,
And we make every meal a Thanksgiving dream.

Oh, the cornbread, the cornbread,
We're the best part of Thanksgiving, it must be said!
We're delicious and versatile, a culinary delight,
So eat up, everyone, and enjoy our golden light!
We can be baked in a pan, or fried in a skillet,
We're perfect with butter, or honey, or even a little bit of it.
We're the perfect accompaniment to turkey and gravy,
And we make every bite a Thanksgiving extravaganza.

Oh, the cornbread, the cornbread,
We're the best part of Thanksgiving, it must be said!
We're delicious and versatile, a culinary delight,
So eat up, everyone, and enjoy our golden light!
So next time you're planning your Thanksgiving feast,
Don't forget the cornbread, it's the dish that can't be least!
We'll bring joy and flavor to your holiday spread,
And make sure everyone leaves happy and well-fed.

Oh, the cornbread, the cornbread,
We're the best part of Thanksgiving, it must be said!
We're delicious and versatile, a culinary delight,
So eat up, everyone, and enjoy our golden light!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Let's eat some cornbread!

10. The Apple Cider’s Cheer: A Thanksgiving Toast

I'm apple cider, sweet and warm,
A Thanksgiving tradition, a cozy charm.
I'm made with apples, fresh and crisp,
And spices that give your taste buds a little zip.

I'm served hot or cold, it's your choice,
But either way, I'll make you rejoice.
I'm the perfect drink to share with friends and family,
As we gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving merrily.

So let's raise a glass of apple cider cheer,
And give thanks for all that we hold dear.
For the food on our table, the loved ones by our side,
And for the bounty of autumn, in all its pride.

Apple cider, apple cider,
A Thanksgiving tradition, we can't hide!
We'll drink to our health, and to happiness and cheer,
And to another year of Thanksgiving, drawing near.

So let the laughter flow, and the stories be told,
As we sip on our cider, warm and bold.
For apple cider is the drink of Thanksgiving Day,
A symbol of joy, in every way.

Apple cider, apple cider,
A Thanksgiving tradition, we can't hide!
We'll drink to our health, and to happiness and cheer,
And to another year of Thanksgiving, drawing near.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Let's drink to apple cider!

11. The Turkey’s Revenge: A Thanksgiving Tale (with a Twist!)

I'm a turkey, plump and proud,
But on Thanksgiving, I'm not allowed
To strut my stuff, or gobble with glee,
Because they want to roast and eat me!

Every year, it's the same old story,
They chase me around, with a gleam in their eye, so gory.
They stuff me with bread, and herbs, and spice,
Then stick me in the oven, it's not very nice!

But this year, I have a plan,
To escape their clutches, and become a free man.
I'll outsmart the farmer, and his carving knife,
And live to see another day, a happy turkey life!

I'll disguise myself as a chicken, or a duck,
Or maybe even a goose, with a bit of luck.
They'll never suspect a thing, I'm sure,
And I'll be free to roam, forevermore!

So when they come to catch me, I'll be gone,
Flew the coop, singing my freedom song.
They'll be left with their vegetables and pie,
While I'm out in the wild, soaring high!

(But then, the turkey had a thought, and his feathers ruffled in dismay.)

Wait a minute... what if they eat tofu instead?
Or some other bland, vegetarian spread?
No juicy turkey, no crispy skin,
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same, it's a sin!

So maybe, just maybe, I'll stay and face my fate,
For the sake of Thanksgiving, and a delicious plate.
But I'll make sure they know, as they take their first bite,
That I sacrificed myself, for their Thanksgiving delight!

(And maybe they'll give me a little bit of gravy, as a token of their appreciation.)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And remember, be kind to your turkeys!

12. The Thanksgiving Spirit: A Poetic Feast

The Thanksgiving spirit is in the air,
A time for gratitude, and love to share.
We gather with family and friends,
To celebrate the harvest, and all that it lends.

We eat turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes and pie,
And loosen our belts with a contented sigh.
But Thanksgiving is more than just a feast,
It's a time to reflect on all that we're blessed.

The Thanksgiving spirit, it fills our hearts,
With warmth and joy, right from the start.
We give thanks for our loved ones, and all that we have,
And for the blessings that life has bestowed, by and by.

So let's be kind to one another, and lend a helping hand,
To those in need, throughout the land.
For the Thanksgiving spirit is about giving and sharing,
And showing our love, beyond compare.

Let's put aside our differences, and come together as one,
To celebrate Thanksgiving, under the autumn sun.
For in the spirit of gratitude, we find true peace,
And a sense of community, that will never cease.

The Thanksgiving spirit, it fills our hearts,
With warmth and joy, right from the start.
We give thanks for our loved ones, and all that we have,
And for the blessings that life has bestowed, by and by.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Let's spread the Thanksgiving spirit far and wide!


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let’s not forget the laughter and humor that can accompany this festive occasion. Whether it’s through Funny Poems, clever pranks, or simply sharing a good chuckle, humor has a way of bringing people together and making the holiday even more enjoyable. Embrace the lighthearted side of Thanksgiving, and let the laughter fill your gatherings, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

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So, gather your loved ones, share a laugh, and make this Thanksgiving a truly memorable one. Remember, a little humor can go a long way in spreading joy and making the day even more special.

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